Katharina Schmidt, PhD Researcher at the Danube Private University Austria, attended the COAST Conference of Applied Surface Technology, in Palais Niederösterreich, Vienna this week. (https://coast.cest.at.)
Together with colleagues from the Laboratory for Life Sciences Technology (LiST) team, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, and FZU-Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, the poster “Enzymatic amplification for single molecule detection of interleukin-6 in serum samples” was presented to an international audience in order to share current research on ultrasensitive techniques applied for the detection of cancer biomarkers present in low concentrations of bodily fluids.
For more information about research work within the Laboratory for Life Sciences Technology (LiST) Group at the Danube Private University please visit: https://www.dpu-research-list.at